Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Lesson Plan for Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hello everyone. I'm once again home with a sick child so here's the drill for today. You will be completing a web quest on blood analysis and blood typing. Please follow all directions and carefully read through each section of the web quest. If you don't follow the directions, then you will end up doing more work than necessary. Upon completion of the web quest, you may work on your fingerprinting test that is due on Thursday. Good luck.

Video explaining how to complete the web quest (don't know what was up with my webcam, but major delay):
CLICK HERE IF ABOVE VIDEO DOESN'T WORK PROPERLY (also, its a higher quality video for showing in full screen)


LINK TO TASK WORKSHEET (for if you prefer to type your responses - no copy and pasting)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Access to Class Files

Hello everyone. I hope you all are enjoying your weekend. Well, it looks like the learn site is not going to be back anytime soon, so I put together an online file storage site for class materials to use while we wait to see what happens with the learn site.

Click here for the fingerprint unit materials

Click here for the materials for our next unit - serology

Monday, December 10, 2012

Lesson plan for December 11, 2012

For today’s lesson, students will be working on a computer to check out some websites on fingerprinting. I will be placing this lesson plan on the class blog so they may start by going to http://landryforensicscience.blogspot.com/  Here’s the plan of attack for today:
  1. Good things:  3rd block click here      4th block click here                        Do not spend any more than 5 minutes on this or you will run out of time. You can come back to it once you are finished.
  3. Next you should work on the Fingerprint Web Worksheet. You will be using the website http://sciencespot.net/Pages/kdzforsci.html for today’s assignment. The instructions I think are quite clear and all of the links are working. If you would like an electronic version of the document, click here
  5. When finished with this, you can look at some of the other links found on the website that go with previous units that we have used in class, or you can look ahead at the blood and DNA stuff (serology).
  7. Extra credit – find an interactive website on any topic that we have previously covered (or blood and DNA) that I could use for future classes. Go to the class blog entry for today and leave a comment that has the link and a short explanation as to what can be done at that site AND how it would be beneficial for future classes. Please be detailed with your explanation or you will not receive credit. You may not use the same resources that are already shown in the comments by previous classes.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lesson Plan for Wednesday Nov. 14, 2012

First of all, I hope you all did well on your test today (I'm sure you did :)

Here's your upcoming due dates:
  1. Glass analysis labs are due Thursday at the beginning of class. If you need time to collect data, you need to come see me Thursday morning so we can arrange for you to come in at reading time or during lunch
  2. Case Two reports are due Friday by the end of the digital day. Remember, all reports are to be submitted electronically. For a list of methods on how to submit, please refer to the previous blog entry. If you get stuck, talk to a peer who is ahead of you.
I hope you all are ready for dollhouse crime scene awards on Thursday! All pics are currently running through the slide show on the left of the screen. Just click on the picture to maximize the pictures and advance through the slide show.

Thursday we will also finish our hair and fibers jigsaw activity and hopefully have time to start doing some initial hair analysis. Enjoy your day and use your time wisely please.

All content below this point is from our previous blog entry when you started this assignment.

Go to the site listed at the bottom of this entry. Please read all of these directions before preceding.

Today you will be working in PAIRS (not threes or fours) with a website that has you work with various characters from the TV show CSI. I suggest that you setup a username in the upper right hand corner of the site so you can save your work as you'll be using this site again tomorrow. If you don't setup a username, you will not be able to save your work and continue from the same spot at a later time. You will be completing various cases throughout the semester on this site.

Anyways, you will begin by completing the Case One: Basic Training Course. Follow the prompts on the screen to help guide you through the activity. Let me warn you that if you make to many errant clicks, it will make you start over. So, read through everything thoroughly and take notes on anything that may help you solve the case.

Once you complete the case (this should take you a large chunk of time), you will then complete a case report. Please click the following link for a template of the case report: CASE REPORT TEMPLATE (you will need to make a copy of this google doc or download it in order to use it). You will need to complete one of these for EACH case you solve and each one is worth ten points. The parts of the case report are as follows:

PURPOSE: Explain the purpose of the investigation. This should include any relevant backstory for the crime.

EVIDENCE RECEIVED: List the pieces of evidence that were found at the scene of the crime.

EXAMINATION AND RESULTS: provide a detailed description of the results of the examination of the evidence found at the scene of the crime.

INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION: Explain how each piece of evidence links the suspect to the crime scene and how it can be used to either prove the guilt of the suspect or exonerate other potential suspects.

Here's the link to the website: http://forensics.rice.edu/

Good luck.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Lesson plan for Monday November 12, 2012

Here's the plan for Monday, November 12, 2012:

First of all, you can still vote for your favorite dollhouse crime scenes by finding the blog post that matches your class. Please vote only ONCE.

Your "Case Two: Canine Caper" case report is due by the end of the block.

You can submit it one of three ways:
  1. Create it as a google doc and send me the link (make sure you change your sharing settings so I can access the file. If you aren't sure how to do this, ask your classmates.
  2. Upload your report to the proper folder on the share site. Find the forensic science dropbox on the main page of Mr. Landry's share site and then click on your block and create a folder that is your name. Then upload the report to your newly created folder. Once again, if you don't know how to do this, ask a classmate to help.
  3. Email me a digital copy of your report.

When finished, advance to the next case.

Before you start today though, please share your good things from the weekend by clicking on the following link: Good things Monday November 12, 2012

All content below this point is from our previous blog entry when you started this assignment.

Go to the site listed at the bottom of this entry. Please read all of these directions before preceding.

Today you will be working in PAIRS (not threes or fours) with a website that has you work with various characters from the TV show CSI. I suggest that you setup a username in the upper right hand corner of the site so you can save your work as you'll be using this site again tomorrow. If you don't setup a username, you will not be able to save your work and continue from the same spot at a later time. You will be completing various cases throughout the semester on this site.

Anyways, you will begin by completing the Case One: Basic Training Course. Follow the prompts on the screen to help guide you through the activity. Let me warn you that if you make to many errant clicks, it will make you start over. So, read through everything thoroughly and take notes on anything that may help you solve the case.

Once you complete the case (this should take you a large chunk of time), you will then complete a case report. Please click the following link for a template of the case report: CASE REPORT TEMPLATE (you will need to make a copy of this google doc or download it in order to use it). You will need to complete one of these for EACH case you solve and each one is worth ten points. The parts of the case report are as follows:

PURPOSE:  Explain the purpose of the investigation.  This should include any relevant backstory for the crime.

EVIDENCE RECEIVED:  List the pieces of evidence that were found at the scene of the crime.

EXAMINATION AND RESULTS:  provide a detailed description of the results of the examination of the evidence found at the scene of the crime.

INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION:  Explain how each piece of evidence links the suspect to the crime scene and how it can be used to either prove the guilt of the suspect or exonerate other potential suspects.

Here's the link to the website: http://forensics.rice.edu/

Good luck.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pig Decomposition Studies - Data from Friday Sept 28

I took video of each of the pigs on Friday while you all were home sleeping :) See below for the videos:

Bottom of Hill:

Top of Hill:


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Case Studies in Entomology

Once you complete two cases you will then complete a case report for one of the cases you completed. Please click the following link for a template of the case report: CASE REPORT TEMPLATE (you will need to make a copy of this google doc or download it in order to use it). You will need to complete one of these for each case you solve and each one is worth ten points. The parts of the case report are as follows and should be written in sentence/paragraph form (you may include data tables if appropriate):

PURPOSE:  Explain the purpose of the investigation.  This should include any relevant backstory for the crime.

EVIDENCE RECEIVED:  List the pieces of evidence that were found at the scene of the crime.

EXAMINATION AND RESULTS:  provide a detailed description of the results of the examination of the evidence found at the scene of the crime.

INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION:  Explain how each piece of evidence links the suspect to the crime scene and how it can be used to either prove the guilt of the suspect or exonerate other potential suspects.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Week one is in the books!

Thanks for a great start to the week everyone. Here's the plan for the remainder of the week:
Also, just a reminder that you can find all of the notes from class on the share site (wiki). Just follow the directions posted on this blog and click the link to the site.
  • Monday - basic services of forensic science lab & overview (Modern Marvels video)
  • Tuesday - forensic autopsy overview & video
  • Wednesday - Friday - forensic autopsy on pigs lab
Next week we will begin our decomposition studies and begin looking at the different types of mortis and how this can be used to determine time of death, as well as starting our entomology studies.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Almost Done with Unit - Assign Dollhouse Crime Scene Project

Hey everyone. Just a reminder that we are wrapping up our current unit and the test for the unit will be Wednesday. The review PowerPoint is located on the wiki and will help guide you in what to study. Following this unit, we will start looking at the characteristics of various physical evidence - beginning with glass and soil.

Additionally, we will be assigning the Dollhouse Crime Scene Project that will be due Wed. March 14 in class. The work for this project will all be done outside of class so please pick your partners wisely. The details of the project are posted on the wiki and examples of projects from last semester are posted in the picture reel on this blog.

Good luck.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lesson Plan for Wed. Feb 8, 2012

Unfortunately, I'm still home with a sick daughter. However this should be the last day as she seems to have turned the corner on the crud she has.

The plan for today is for you to watch the video I made below, complete the worksheet on algor mortis, and then finish the CSI episode that you started yesterday. Tomorrow we will start the forensic autopsy so please dress appropriately.

Have a good day.

Today's video (click here if it doesn't load properly...also, the recording lasted too long so you can stop the video once the paper is no longer on the screen (around 26 minutes)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

After ten long years, the class is finally a reality at Sparta High School. Congratulations on being part of the first group of Spartans to go through the course. This blog will be used to keep both students and parents up to date on the happenings of this great class. I suggest you use the follow by email feature on the upper right side of the screen.

Many of the files used for this class will be available online through either Google docs or through the class wiki.
Here's the schedule for the first week of class:

Monday, Jan. 30, 2012
  • Intro to class
  • CSI on CBS vs. real CSI in-class activity
  • Class syllabus (click here for link) & expectations (parent letter due 2-1-12 - file will be on the wiki)
Tuesday Jan. 31, 2012
  • Circle map of self opener
  • Finish syllabi & expectations
  • Intro Locard's exchange principle (see ppt. on wiki)
  • Deadly picnic - deductive reasoning activity (due 9-8-11) - (see wiki)
Wednesday Feb. 1, 2012
  • Parent letter and rental fee due
  • Locard's exchange principle activity
  • World of forensic science overview (see ppt on wiki)
  • Student interest inventory assigned (due Mon. 2-6-12) (will be on wiki soon)
Thursday Feb. 2, 2012
  • Review Wednesday
  • Continue world of forensic science overview
  • Rigor/Livor/Algor Mortis
Friday Feb. 3, 2012
  • Review Rigor/Livor/Algor Mortis
  • Autopsy video
Monday Feb 6, 2012
  • More rigor/livor/algor mortis
  • Modern marvels: FBI Crime Lab video
Tuesday Feb. 7 - Thursday Feb. 9
  • Forensic autopsy of a pig lab (3 days in class to complete)