Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pig Decomposition Studies - Data from Friday Sept 28

I took video of each of the pigs on Friday while you all were home sleeping :) See below for the videos:

Bottom of Hill:

Top of Hill:


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Case Studies in Entomology

Once you complete two cases you will then complete a case report for one of the cases you completed. Please click the following link for a template of the case report: CASE REPORT TEMPLATE (you will need to make a copy of this google doc or download it in order to use it). You will need to complete one of these for each case you solve and each one is worth ten points. The parts of the case report are as follows and should be written in sentence/paragraph form (you may include data tables if appropriate):

PURPOSE:  Explain the purpose of the investigation.  This should include any relevant backstory for the crime.

EVIDENCE RECEIVED:  List the pieces of evidence that were found at the scene of the crime.

EXAMINATION AND RESULTS:  provide a detailed description of the results of the examination of the evidence found at the scene of the crime.

INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION:  Explain how each piece of evidence links the suspect to the crime scene and how it can be used to either prove the guilt of the suspect or exonerate other potential suspects.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Week one is in the books!

Thanks for a great start to the week everyone. Here's the plan for the remainder of the week:
Also, just a reminder that you can find all of the notes from class on the share site (wiki). Just follow the directions posted on this blog and click the link to the site.
  • Monday - basic services of forensic science lab & overview (Modern Marvels video)
  • Tuesday - forensic autopsy overview & video
  • Wednesday - Friday - forensic autopsy on pigs lab
Next week we will begin our decomposition studies and begin looking at the different types of mortis and how this can be used to determine time of death, as well as starting our entomology studies.